Since reopening on July 17th, new faces have continued to appear – at first around 2 or 3 people per week, and most recently 6 people in one day. The demographic is extremely diverse - we always try to supply food that meets people’s cultural as well as physical needs. COVID has had a negative effect on financial contributions from Fridge users, who now tend to give very little, or nothing at all [in cash donations]. We have, however, successfully applied for several COVID-related grants.
Any significant sums that we receive go towards our goal of acquiring solar panels to power a second, backup fridge and freezer on our storage site. The most recent donor, Waitrose (South Woodford) has kindly offered us the sum of £333. We now think we’re nearly there, and are currently awaiting a quote and a design from our electrician, who has abundant experience in solar installations.

Allotment holders this summer have exceeded last year’s donations by a mile, being very proactive and generous: almost every day we have received gifts of courgettes, cucumbers, marrows, beans, tomatoes, apples, figs and even grapes. Beautiful local produce and many happy people!
If you’d like to volunteer, donate any of your allotment surplus, out of date or unwanted cupboard food, or indeed money, we’d love to hear from you at
NB: We’re hoping to establish a rota for the Saturday evening surplus food collection from Tesco Leytonstone (8pm-8:30pm). Please get in touch if this is you. Hopefully you won’t be called on more than once a month!