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Community Garden Launch Day!

Last Sunday’s weather was miserable, marked by bone-chilling humid air, an absent sun, sodden, squelchy soil, with a monotonous pall of grey cloaking all activity. Bereft even of the small dignity of a few random snowflakes, it was probably the most inauspicious day anyone could have chosen for a Community Garden launch. And yet…and yet…over 30 hardy souls beat a path to the Church Lane site, feasting their eyes on the still-empty raised beds, the miniature, newly planted fruit trees, and the enormous pile of rich black compost looming in the far corner.

Over the past 5 months the hard work, skills and determination of many volunteers have resulted in a space to be truly proud of: there’s a toolshed, a rainwater harvesting system, various composting bays, and a potting area where Sunday’s visitors enjoyed a warm and comforting feast of jacket potatoes, spring rolls, cakes and teas made from locally dried herbs (also on tap was the more traditional camellia sinensis, or good old Rosie Lee).

In the pop-up greenhouse there were seed sowing activities for all, while the young at heart could participate in a garden-themed treasure hunt or be adorned with glitter tattoos of bees and other beneficial garden beasties. So, I am happy to say that undeterred by the weather, a good and truly communal time was had by all.

One aim of the launch event was to discover what produce people would actually like to see growing in the garden, and to invite them to a variety of garden-based weekend workshops.

The next workshop, on Seeds and Germination, takes place from 2pm to 4pm on Saturday 2nd March, at the Community Garden. For more info or to sign up to any of these workshops, please email:

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